
Project Type

Healthcare, App, Web, Product

Emotional Support Tools for People with Scoliosis.


End-to-end Product Designer

Tools & Methods


User interviews


User testingU

My role & impact


Sep’23– May ‘24


The spine is vital to both physical and mental health. Scoliosis is a common spinal condition, affecting 3 million people annually in the U.S. My research with those affected revealed the need for open conversations, comfort, and awareness. This led to Cocoon, a comprehensive scoliosis support solution featuring a comforting plushie product, support website, and app.

Conducted secondary research, 10 user interviews, along with 4 rounds of user testing, 1 co-design workshop and synthesized insights into actionable design ideas.


Facilitated a user-centered co-design workshop that uncovered key design opportunities. Developed hi-fi web and app prototypes, followed by iterative user testing and developed a comprehensive design system. Designed an innovative, first-of-its-kind website platform, app, and physical product for scoliosis support, with continuous iterations based on user insights.


Scoliosis is a condition causing the spine to grow in a “C” or “S” curve rather than a straight growth. While it can occur at any age, it's most frequently diagnosed in adolescents and women. Treatment options vary, from physical therapy for mild cases to bracing for curves under 30 degrees, with spinal fusion surgery for severe cases over 45 degrees.


Through extensive desk research including books, articles, reddit posts, personal blog stories and medical reports , I discovered that individuals with scoliosis struggle significantly with mental health impacts during diagnosis and treatment, even though this aspect is rarely discussed.


How can we improve the emotional experience of people with scoliosis and support them throughout their journey to better understand their condition and prioritize their wellness in body and mind?



Coco the plushie: for awareness and comfort.

Getting diagnosed with scoliosis and seeing your curved spine on an X-ray can feel scary. The plushie Coco, designed to provide comfort in that moment, is a tactile and friendly way to visually represent one’s scoliosis curve. It’s adjustable and the labeled vertebrae can be adjusted to match one’s specific curve. Beyond providing comfort, Coco serves as an icebreaker to start conversations about scoliosis with friends, family members and medical practitioners.

Cocoon App: healing at your own pace

Each scoliosis journey is unique and healing from spinal fusion surgery at your own pace is crucial to avoid long-term wellbeing, as well as possible demotivation by comparing yourself to others. The Cocoon app provides personalized support and a private space for emotional recovery without pressure. With check-in tools, progress tracking, and journaling, it encourages self-expression and emotional processing during recovery. Recognizing milestones helps individuals see their progress at their own pace, extending care beyond the hospital for overall well-being.

Personalized Onboarding customizes support preferences based on user needs.

Daily spine check-ins monitor symptoms and well-being, providing a shareable report for your doctor visits.

Guided journaling promotes self-reflection and expression, helping you address thoughts and feelings about scoliosis.

Tracking milestones helps users celebrate small victories and heal at their own pace

Cocoon Web: connection and support for all.

Navigating scoliosis can be confusing for both patients and their support systems — from information gaps to initiating discussions. Cocoon's interactive website acts as a starting point, offering introductory information and emotional support tools. People with scoliosis can access resources for themselves, including tips on starting conversations about their condition with others. Friends and family members can find assistance through the "I'm a supporter" section.

Helpful questions for a first appointment with a spine doctor.

Connect with community, read stories or quick tips and share your own.

Relatable, light-hearted memes shared by the community to spread laughter and joy.

Support network resources: questions, conversation tips for loved ones with scoliosis, and care package ideas.



Key Insights/


To gain firsthand insights into living with scoliosis, I interviewed 10 individuals who have undergone treatment. The interview objectives were:

  • Identify key sources of support

  • Discover helpful resources and strategies

  • Explore experiences and challenges with diagnosis and surgery

  • Understand their current daily life with scoliosis


Creating a lighthearted, playful, and caring design system to put users at ease.

The app was refined through 4 rounds of iterations and a co-design workshop, ensuring that every feature is aligned with user needs and delivers a personalized experience. This collaborative process resulted in a user-centered app that resonates deeply with individual preferences, enhancing overall user satisfaction.

Cocoon In Action/

Key Learnings/

Implementing trauma informed design principals

This project taught me the importance of designing for sensitive, trauma-related topics. I applied trauma-informed design principles, prioritizing user comfort during interviews, safeguarding their information, and ensuring transparency throughout the design process.

In developing the design system and visual language, I aimed to introduce a light-hearted and joyful tone to counterbalance the heavy subject matter. Through user testing, I ensured the design maintained a comforting vibe while respecting the seriousness of users' experiences.

Balancing joy in a serious topic